
I'm Claire and I'm a front end web developer.

However you picture an average web developer, I'm pretty sure it isn't me.

smiley cartoon picture

Online I'm known as WorthyOnTheWeb. It's the name I use for Twitter, client work and my Wordpress blog for small businesses.


WorthyOnTheWeb was the brand I developed for my client work, I have since created the Village Web Company and currently work with small businesses

Claire Worthington Photograph

During my time at university I learnt to create websites using validated semantic HTML5 code styled with external CSS stylesheets.

I'm still developing a personal brand and my smiley cartoon creations seemed as good a place to start as any other.

The sketches started when I needed to create some original artwork for a uni presentation during my time at MMU.

Since graduating I have been experimenting with different frameworks including Magento, Bootstrap and Wordpress.

This website will change again in a couple of months whilst I test out design concepts.

I'm currently expanding my online portfolio. My degree focused on semantic code and accessibility, rather than design, so I'm experimenting with different design ideas.

cartoon sketch